
Archive for March 9th, 2008

After spending five days essentially “trapped” on campus, college people always look eagerly forward to the weekend. College people love weekends so much that 99% of them get temporarily depressed on Monday morning because they ponder the inevitable… a full week of classes ahead. Yikes!

To compensate, college people do a lot of fun things over the weekends. Many of them host parties or go to parties, or do geeky things such as having Guitar Hero competitions, or other silly time-passing things.

In addition, college people also like the fact that they can sleep in on the weekend and since sleeping is also something that college people like, the two fit together nicely.

Lastly, college people think about the weekends 24/7. During lecture, for example, side conversations can be heard about the weekends such as “Hey, what are you doing this weekend” or “Let’s go to that party Saturday night.” End all be all… college people have an addiction over the weekends… no joke.

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#3 Sleep

College people love sleep because they don’t get enough of it. A lot of the times you see people falling asleep during lecture. Typically, their head falls gently down on the table and their arms are nestled nicely around it. It’s quite the sight!

College people hate getting up in the morning. That’s the worst part of their day. Many times they hit the snooze button a dozen times before they actually manage to get out of bed! This explains why college people typically wear hoodies and sweat pants to class because they don’t have enough time in the morning to get ready.

Most college people are sleep deprived, which also explains why they are drowsy and tired for more than half of the day. A lot of daydreaming goes on, too… just adding to the fact that college people need more sleep.

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